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Modern Slavery Compliance - change log

This is where we will keep a record of changes, revisions, updates, and published audits of our modern slavery compliance policies and procedures.

  • issue 1.4 October 2023: Updated Contract of employment policy to reflect UK law on whats required.

  • issue 1.3 August 2023: Procedure to apply remedy to affected people should instances of modern slavery be identified was strengthened with a change of wording from: This will include terminating relationships with high-risk suppliers, or taking other corrective and monitoring actions as necessary such as updating policies and procedures, providing additional training to staff, or implementing new monitoring and auditing processes. TO:

This will include terminating relationships, or taking other corrective and monitoring actions as necessary such as updating policies and procedures, providing additional training to staff, or implementing new monitoring and auditing processes. All supplier contracts will include a clause that permits immediate termination of the commercial relationship in the event of instances of modern slavery that are egregious or not resolved to our satisfaction in a timely manner.

  • Issue 1.2 July 2023. simplified internal staff evaluation process.

  • Issue 1.1 May 2023 published online 05th June 2023.

  • Issue 1.4 September 2024: annual review, no update.



Exchange Supplies,
1 Great Western Industrial Centre,
Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1RD, UK


01305 262244