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eLearning from Exchange Supplies
In addition to our article archive, we also have an e-learning platform offering free online training to the field. You can access it [More]

The anatomy of the hypodermic needle and syringe
This article has been written to explain how syringes are constructed, and the terms used to describe the component parts. Although written for drug workers so they can discuss needle and syringe s [More]

Understanding the sharing of injecting equipment
To understand how to intervene to reduce the risks from injecting it is important to develop a comprehensive understanding of the complex issues covered by the term 'sharing [More]

Increasing the effectiveness of needle and syringe programmes
Needle and Syringe programmes have had significant success in many places (including the UK) in preventing HIV epidemics amongst injecting drug users. However, they have been unable to make significan [More]

Pick and mix or packs: what is best for pharmacy needle and syringe programmes (NSPs)?
We're often asked whether we think pharmacy needle and syringe exchange schemes should be all 'pick and mix' type needle exchanges, or whether they should give out packs. [More]

Peer delivered needle and syringe programmes
This article explains the different ways in which injecting drug users can get involved in the distribution of injecting equipment in order to maximise the effectiveness of [More]

Requests for more citric (or VItC) sachets
Workers sometimes contact us to say that clients are asking for more than one sachet per syringe, and that they're not sure what to do. Having discussed this issue at length with services distribut [More]

What is the difference between milligrams (mg) and millilitres (mL)?
Milligrams (mg) measure weight, and Millilitres (ml) measure volume of liquid. The part of the word 'Milli' comes from the latin mille, which means one thousand. T [More]


Exchange Supplies,
1 Great Western Industrial Centre,
Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1RD, UK


01305 262244