Stopping smoking, nicotine replacement therapy and ecigarettes

Smoking tobacco is much more common amongst users of illicit drugs than it is amongst the general population, and it can seem like a minor problem in comparison to those caused by injecting or illicit drug use

and for this reason it is often overlooked by drug users, and drug workers who postpone considering change with regard to smoking until a 'better time'.

However, smoking is a huge preventable cause of illness and premature death and an issue which studies have shown drug users are aware of and anxious about. It is an under-researched area, but it seems highly likely that helping drug users stop smoking could deliver significant improvements to their:
  • health;

  • finances; and

  • self esteem

and teach them about:
  • dependence;

  • withdrawal management;

  • cravings; and

  • maintenance of abstinence

- all of which are useful skills, information, and experience to have when making changes in the use of other drugs.

Exchange Supplies has a sister company called Nicotine Direct that sells nicotine replacement therapy, and Intellicig ecigarettes and the articles section of that site has information of value to everyone in the drugs field, including articles on:

To go to the extensive Nicotine Replacement Therapy and e-cigarette articles archive on Nicotine, click here.


Exchange Supplies,
1 Great Western Industrial Centre,
Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1RD, UK

01305 262244