Procedure to apply remedy to affected people should instances of modern slavery be identified

We will take all discovery or reports of modern slavery seriously, and investigate them thoroughly.

If we identify any modern slavery risks, we will take immediate steps to address them.

This will include terminating relationships , or taking other corrective and monitoring actions as necessary such as updating policies and procedures, providing additional training to staff, or implementing new monitoring and auditing processes. All supplier contracts will include a clause that permits immediate termination of the commercial relationship in the event of instances of modern slavery that are egregious or not resolved to our satisfaction in a timely manner.

We will provide remedy to affected individuals: if instances of modern slavery are identified, we will take appropriate steps to remedy any harm caused to affected individuals. This may include providing support, compensation, or other forms of assistance as necessary.

We will engage with stakeholders, including suppliers, workers, and civil society organisations, to address modern slavery risks and improve our practices.

By following this procedure, we are committed to identifying and addressing modern slavery risks within our operations and supply chains and providing remedy to affected individuals. We recognise that eradicating modern slavery requires ongoing effort, and we will continue to work towards this goal in collaboration with our stakeholders.

Other Standards
We will adhere to all applicable laws and regulations in the countries where we operate. We will also comply with relevant industry standards and best practices to ensure that we conduct business in an ethical and responsible manner.

We take violations of this policy seriously and will take appropriate action to address any non-compliance. This may include disciplinary action, termination of employment, or legal action, depending on the severity of the violation.

Training and Communication
We will provide regular training to employees and stakeholders on this policy and related ethical considerations. We will also communicate this policy to all employees, contractors, and stakeholders to ensure that they understand their responsibilities and obligations.

We are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all of our business dealings. We believe that our commitment to ethics is a key driver of our success as a responsible and sustainable business.


Exchange Supplies,
1 Great Western Industrial Centre,
Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1RD, UK

01305 262244