ISO 14001 and our committment to the environment

We first achieved ISO14001 in 2008, in 2018 we transitioned to the new 2015 standards.

Our Environment policy is:

Exchange Supplies is committed to the protection and enhancement of the environment.

To demonstrate this commitment we shall:

  • Comply with all environmental regulations, legislation and approved codes of practice relating to the processes and activities of the company.

  • Continually improve environmental performance by endeavouring to minimise the impact of our processes and activities by:

– reducing water and energy consumption;
– reducing pollutants to land, water, and air;
– reducing the amount of waste produced; and
– recycling wherever possible.

  • Set, achieve, review and revise environmental objectives and targets with the aim of continually improving environmental performance.

  • Co-operate with all regulatory authorities and bodies and other interested parties.

  • Assess, and where possible, reduce the environmental impacts associated with the manufacture, use and disposal of our products.

  • Cultivate environmental awareness and understanding throughout the company and, wherever possible, with suppliers and customers.

  • Conduct regular environmental reviews of our operations to assess environmental impact and the effects of improvement programmes.

  • Ensure this policy is available to the public and provide information,

and to support these aims, an environmental management system that complies
with the requirements of ISO 14001 has been established and implemented
throughout the company.

Prior to this our environmental statement was:
We have always printed all of our publications on recycled paper, and done all we can to reduce our impact on the environment. During 2007 and 2008 we developed the formal policies, procedures, and record keeping systems we needed to achieve ISO 14001 certified status.

ISO 14001 is the standard that certifies that an organisation is committed to reducing the environmental impact of its products and operations, and is constantly monitoring and seeking to identify ways of reducing that impact further.

In October 2008 an independent audit found:

"The Energy Management System of Exchange Supplies has been examined, and audited with respect to the requirements of ISO 14001:2004.

There were no adverse findings, the management of Exchange Supplies is to be complimented for a well designed documented Energy Management System, and its implementation and improvement.

The auditor was impressed by the dedication of all personnel to the documented systems and by the ethos of the company. He wishes to express his gratitude for the hospitality he received, and he wishes Exchange Supplies "every success in the work in which it is engaged."

Immediate registration is recommended.

We passed our 2009 inspection with flying colours and no non-conformances or discrepancies, and continued registration was therefore recommended.

Our 2009 environmental policy
Exchange Supplies is committed to the protection and enhancement of the environment.

To demonstrate this commitment, we will always comply with all relevant environmental regulations, legislation and approved codes of practice.

And, in addition we will continually improve environmental performance by reducing:
  • Water and energy consumption;

  • Pollutants to land, water and air;

  • The amount of waste produced; and

  • Recycling waste wherever possible.

In addition we will:
  • Set, achieve, review and revise environmental objectives and targets, with the aim of continually improving our environmental performance;

  • Co-operate, and maintain good relations with all regulatory authorities, bodies and other relevant parties;

  • Assess, and where possible, reduce the environmental impacts associated with the manufacture, use, and disposal of our products.

  • Cultivate environmental awareness and understanding throughout the company, and with our suppliers and customers.

  • Conduct regular environmental reviews of our operations to assess environmental impact and the effects of improvement programmes.

  • Ensure this policy is available to the public and where practical, provide information and assistance to customers on environmental issues regarding our products.

  • Review and revise this policy as necessary, to ensure it remains relevant to the company's environmental goals.

To support these aims an environmental management system that complies with the requirements of ISO 14001 has been established and implemented throughout the company.

Regular audits are conducted to confirm that operations are being complied with in accordance with this policy, and the requirements of ISO 14001.


Exchange Supplies,
1 Great Western Industrial Centre,
Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1RD, UK

01305 262244